Document Services

Printing and Copying

Patrons may print from library computers.  Prints are picked up and paid for at the Circulation Desk.

The library has two digital photocopiers available for public use. Photocopy machines accept coins or dollar ($1) bills.

  • $.25 per page in black and white
  • $.50 per page in color or double-sided


Our ScannX scanning station is found in the main lobby.

Saving options:

  • email
  • USB flash drive (provided by the user)
  • Google Drive
  • DropBox

Document Delivery

Member Fees

Up to 20 pages
21 to 40 pages
41 to 60 pages 


Documents available in electronic format $15.00

Document delivery is free for member law firms with 60 or more members.

Non-member Fees

Up to 20 pages
21 to 40 pages
41 to 60 pages 


Documents available in electronic format $30.00

In addition to the cost above, all document deliveries have 7% sales tax applied to them.