Library closing at 2:00pm on December 22nd
The ACLL will close at 2:00 pm on Thursday, December 22nd, 2022.
Read MoreProperty Assessments video now available
The video from our recent presentation on Property Assessments (presented by Bob Peirce, Megan Turnbull and Mike Suley) is now available on the ACLL’s YouTube page. If you wish…
Read MoreYear End Tax Planning video available
The video of the Year End Tax Planning presentation (recently offered by Fred Liechte) is now available on the ACLL’s YouTube channel. If you are an attorney and would like…
Read MoreExpungements video now available
The video of the Expungements of Records and Cleans Slates presentation, given by Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts, is now available on the ACLL’s YouTube channel and on our Information Centers…
Read MoreExpungements event still happening
The public event “Expungement of Records and Clean Slates” was canceled, but it has been un-canceled. The event will still be held at the original scheduled time and location. …
Read MorePublic Event: Expungement of Records and Clean Slates
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts, the Allegheny County Law Library and Just Mediation Pittsburgh presents: Expungement of Records and Clean Slates Workshop. In this presentation, we will navigate the process of expungement…
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